You can register for a free, no obligation trial for 1 month and up to 10 users. This can then be continued after the 1 month period if you want to use the system more permanently.
Alternatively we can set the system up for you for free, you may find this easier than registering and configuring the system yourself - if this is the case please send us an email at and we can do the work for you.
If your organisation has not yet established a flexi time policy just accept the default settings which represent a typical company flexitime policy. Alternatively configure the settings below to your requirements - they can be changed later if necessary.
Privacy Policy. We are registered in the UK with the Information Commissioner under the Data Protection Act, registration number ZA558023. Click here to read our Privacy Policy.
Cookie Notice. We use cookies to ensure that we can identify you in the Flex Planner application once you have logged in. If you login or register, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on the Flex Planner web application.