Holiday/leave planner online system for staff

Our online holiday/leave planner software gives a clear and accurate online process for booking and recording staff annual leave.

Flex Planner has numerous features for attendance tracking and leave requesting and approvals.  It can be used therefore solely to manage annual leave, sickness and other time off for organisations.  For flexi time users and companies with flexi policies, it is a requirement that all time (both working and non working) are recorded in the system – this ensures that flexi balances are maintained.

The system offers the following attendance tracking and leave requesting features for time off:

  • Allow users to enter annual leave, sickness, bank holidays, doctor’s appointments and all other type of absence from work events.  The system allows you to have as many different types of time off as you require
  • Time off entry can be entered individually by users and then go for approval to another user, such as a team leader or system administrator.  Alternatively you can configure the system to not require approval
  • Leave events are displayed on user’s individual timesheets and there is also a group leave screen that shows leave bookings and requests across teams and the whole organisation.  This allows users to coordinate their leave requests based on other colleagues time off and within the needs of the business
  • You can configure the annual leave allowance and leave carried over amount for each user on their user account and for each leave year eg 25 days annual leave allowance for 2023, with 3 days leave carried over from the previous year
  • The system supports different leave year start and end dates eg January-end December, April-end March etc
  • There is a facility to bulk copy over user’s annual leave allowances from one year to the next.  This action can be performed at the end of the leave year by a system administrator.  The facility calculates how much leave a user has taken in the year based on their allowance and also how many can be carried over to the next year
  • Leave can be recorded in days or hours.  This is configurable on a per-user basis eg you can have some users that record their leave in days and half days, and other users who have a leave allowance that is in hours
  • For leave approvals there is an approvals screen that allows team leaders or system administrators to view and approve leave requests.  Email messages are sent when leave requests and approvals are made
  • User’s can record notes on leave requests highlighting the reason for the request which is visible to approvers of the event
  • The system provides a leave summary screen for each individual, showing their leave bookings and requests, and also a total of bookings along with their annual leave remaining amount
  • Reporting to display leave totals (annual leave, sickness etc) and also annual leave allowances, leave remaining and carried over across teams and the organisation
  • Ability to synchronise leave requests to an Outlook calendar – this uses

The above features ensure you can easily manage your leave and time off requests in your organisation using Flex Planner.

Screen Shot: Team Leave Planner

Annual Leave Holiday Planner

  • Fully featured leave planner and holiday tracking system available online 24 x 7
  • All leave requests and approvals are managed automatically in the system at the touch of a button
  • System generates automatic emails and communications between managers and staff for any requests/approvals
  • Shared leave planning calendar by team, showing who is absent by week/month - enabling you to plan your team leave
  • Store how much annual leave each user has, how much carried over from previous years, and keep a running record of their holidays
  • Record their sickness events, and other events and ensure they are approved by managers
  • Streamlines the holiday/annual leave approval process reducing the need for manual tracking